Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Karl Fisch's "Did You Know 4.0" is similar to his other vidoes in the way that he is talking about how technolgy is changing the world. In this video, he states that Americans have access to 1,000,000,000,000 web pages, 65,000 Iphone apps, 10,500 radio stations, 5,500 magazines, and 200 + cable tv networks. What this means to me is that people are being exposed to a lot more information than they were without these resources. The next thing the video said was that traditional advertising like bill boards, newspapers, and magazines has been going down and digital advertising such as phones and computers has gone up which means we are changing the way we get our ideas to people. And even our government leaders are using technology. for example the video said that In Feburary 2008, John McCain raised 11 million dollars for his U.S presidential bid. But Barack Obama didn't use fund raisers, he used online social networks to raise 55 million dollars in that same month. This all means that technology is here and we have to decide weather to use it or not.

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